Loading Password-Protected Documents


In the digital landscape, the ability to manage and view various document formats is crucial for businesses and individuals. GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET offers a robust solution for developers to integrate document viewing capabilities into their applications effortlessly. This tutorial will guide you through the process of loading password-protected documents step by step, ensuring you can implement this feature seamlessly in your projects.


Before we get started, ensure you have the following:

  1. GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET Installed: Download it from the website.
  2. Password-Protected Document: Have a password-protected document ready for testing.

Import Required Namespaces

Begin by importing the necessary namespaces into your project:

using System;
using System.IO;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;

Step 1: Define the Output Directory

Specify where you want the rendered output to be saved:

string outputDirectory = "Your Document Directory";

Make sure to replace "Your Document Directory" with the actual path you want to use.

Step 2: Set Up Page File Path Format

Define the format for the file paths of each rendered page:

string pageFilePathFormat = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "page_{0}.html");

This will generate paths like "Your Document Directory/page_1.html", "Your Document Directory/page_2.html", etc.

Step 3: Configure Load Options

Set up the load options for your password-protected document, including the password:

LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions
    Password = "12345"  // Replace with your document's password

Step 4: Initialize the Viewer

Create an instance of the GroupDocs.Viewer with your document and the load options:

using (Viewer viewer = new Viewer("Path_to_your_document", loadOptions))
    // Code for viewing options will be added in the next step.

Make sure to replace "Path_to_your_document" with the actual path to your document.

Step 5: Configure HTML View Options

Set up the HTML view options for rendering the document with embedded resources:

HtmlViewOptions options = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources(pageFilePathFormat);

Step 6: Render the Document

Now, render the document using the configured viewer and view options:


Step 7: Display a Success Message

Finally, inform the user that the document has been rendered successfully:

Console.WriteLine($"\nSource document rendered successfully.\nCheck output in {outputDirectory}.");


In this tutorial, we explored how to load password-protected documents using GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET. By following these steps, developers can easily integrate this functionality into their applications, allowing users to view protected documents effortlessly.


Can GroupDocs.Viewer handle other document formats besides password-protected documents?

Yes, GroupDocs.Viewer supports a wide range of formats, including PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, and more.

Is GroupDocs.Viewer compatible with .NET Core?

Absolutely! GroupDocs.Viewer is compatible with both .NET Framework and .NET Core environments.

Can I customize the rendering options for the documents?

Yes, GroupDocs.Viewer offers various rendering options, allowing you to tailor the viewing experience to your needs.

Does GroupDocs.Viewer support document annotations?

Yes, it supports document annotations, enabling users to add comments, highlights, and other notes.

Is there a trial version available for GroupDocs.Viewer?

Yes, you can obtain a free trial from the website.