Adding Image In PDF File


Have you ever needed to insert an image into a PDF file programmatically? Whether you’re developing a document generation system or adding branding elements, Aspose.PDF for .NET makes this task straightforward. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to add an image to a PDF file.


Before we start coding, ensure you have the following:

  • Aspose.PDF for .NET Library: Download and install the latest version from Aspose Downloads.
  • .NET Development Environment: You can use Visual Studio or any IDE of your choice.
  • Basic Knowledge of C#: Familiarity with C# programming and object-oriented principles is helpful.
  • Sample Files: A PDF file and an image (e.g., a logo) to insert.

Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment

Begin by creating a new C# project in your IDE. Import the necessary namespaces to work with Aspose.PDF:

using System.IO;
using Aspose.Pdf;
using System;

These namespaces will allow you to manipulate PDF documents and handle file streams effectively.

Step 2: Open the PDF Document

Locate your PDF file and open it using the Document class:

// Specify the path to your document directory

// Open the PDF document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "AddImage.pdf");

Make sure to replace YOUR DOCUMENT DIRECTORY with the actual path where your PDF is stored.

Step 3: Define Image Coordinates

Set the coordinates for where the image will be placed in the PDF:

// Define the coordinates for the image
int lowerLeftX = 100;
int lowerLeftY = 100;
int upperRightX = 200;
int upperRightY = 200;

These coordinates determine the position and size of the image on the page.

Step 4: Select the Page for Image Insertion

Choose the page in the PDF where you want to add the image. Remember, Aspose.PDF uses one-based indexing for pages:

// Get the first page of the PDF
Page page = pdfDocument.Pages[1];

Step 5: Load the Image into a Stream

Load the image you want to insert into a stream:

// Load the image into a stream
using (FileStream imageStream = new FileStream(dataDir + "aspose-logo.jpg", FileMode.Open))
    // Add image to the page resources

Ensure the image file path is correct.

Step 6: Save the Current Graphics State

Before placing the image, save the current graphics state:

// Save the current graphics state
page.Contents.Add(new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.GSave());

Step 7: Define Image Placement with a Rectangle and Matrix

Create a Rectangle for image placement and a Matrix for scaling:

// Create Rectangle and Matrix objects
Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle rectangle = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(lowerLeftX, lowerLeftY, upperRightX, upperRightY);
Matrix matrix = new Matrix(new double[] { rectangle.URX - rectangle.LLX, 0, 0, rectangle.URY - rectangle.LLY, rectangle.LLX, rectangle.LLY });

Step 8: Apply the Matrix Transformation

Use the ConcatenateMatrix operator to position the image correctly:

// Apply the matrix transformation
page.Contents.Add(new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.ConcatenateMatrix(matrix));

Step 9: Render the Image on the PDF Page

Render the image using the Do operator:

XImage ximage = page.Resources.Images[page.Resources.Images.Count];
// Draw the image on the page
page.Contents.Add(new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.Do(ximage.Name));

Step 10: Restore the Graphics State

After rendering the image, restore the graphics state:

// Restore the graphics state
page.Contents.Add(new Aspose.Pdf.Operators.GRestore());

Step 11: Save the Updated PDF Document

Finally, save the modified PDF:

dataDir = dataDir + "AddImage_out.pdf";
// Save the updated document


Inserting an image into a PDF using Aspose.PDF for .NET is a straightforward process when broken down into clear steps. This method allows you to customize your PDFs with logos, watermarks, or other images seamlessly.


Can I add multiple images to a single page?

Yes, you can repeat the steps for each image you want to insert.

How do I control the size of the inserted image?

The size is determined by the rectangle coordinates you define.

Can I insert other file types like PNG or GIF?

Yes, Aspose.PDF supports various image formats, including PNG, GIF, BMP, and JPEG.

Is it possible to add images dynamically?

Absolutely! You can dynamically load images by providing the file path or using streams.

Can I add images in bulk to multiple pages?

Yes, you can loop through the pages in a document and add images using the same approach.