Adding Page Breaks in Worksheet using Aspose.Cells


In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through adding both horizontal and vertical page breaks to your Excel worksheets using Aspose.Cells for .NET. By the end, you’ll be equipped to implement these techniques in your projects seamlessly. Let’s get started!


Before we dive into the code, ensure you have the following ready:

  • Visual Studio: Make sure Visual Studio is installed on your system.
  • Aspose.Cells for .NET: Download and install the Aspose.Cells library. You can get a free trial version here.
  • .NET Framework: This tutorial assumes you are using .NET Framework or .NET Core. The process may vary slightly for other environments.
  • Basic C# Knowledge: Familiarity with C# programming and the concept of page breaks in Excel will be helpful.

Import Packages

To work with Aspose.Cells, start by importing the necessary namespaces into your project:

using System.IO;
using Aspose.Cells;
using System;

With these namespaces imported, you can begin interacting with Excel files and applying modifications, including page breaks.

Step 1: Set Up Your Workbook

Create a new workbook using the Workbook class, which serves as the foundation for manipulating Excel files.

// Define the path to the directory where your file will be saved
string dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
// Create a new Workbook object
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

In this code:

  • dataDir specifies the save location for your file.
  • The Workbook object is instantiated, ready for modifications.

Step 2: Add a Horizontal Page Break

To add a horizontal page break, which divides the worksheet into two parts vertically, use the following code:

// Add a horizontal page break at row 30

Here, Worksheets[0] refers to the first sheet in the workbook, and HorizontalPageBreaks.Add("Y30") adds a break at row 30, causing content above to appear on one page and content below to start on a new page.

Step 3: Add a Vertical Page Break

Next, you can add a vertical page break to separate content horizontally across columns:

// Add a vertical page break at column Y

In this example, VerticalPageBreaks.Add("Y30") creates a break after column X, ensuring that content on the left appears on one page and content on the right appears on the next.

Step 4: Save the Workbook

Finally, save the workbook to persist the changes:

// Save the Excel file
workbook.Save(dataDir + "AddingPageBreaks_out.xls");

This line saves the workbook with the added page breaks to the specified path (AddingPageBreaks_out.xls).


Adding page breaks in Excel is essential for managing large datasets and preparing documents for printing. With Aspose.Cells for .NET, you can automate the insertion of horizontal and vertical page breaks, making your documents more organized and easier to read.


How do I add multiple page breaks in Aspose.Cells for .NET?

You can add multiple page breaks by calling the HorizontalPageBreaks.Add() or VerticalPageBreaks.Add() methods multiple times with different cell references.

Can I add page breaks to a specific worksheet in a workbook?

Yes, specify the worksheet using the Worksheets[index] property, where index is the zero-based index of the desired worksheet.

How do I remove a page break in Aspose.Cells for .NET?

Remove a page break using HorizontalPageBreaks.RemoveAt() or VerticalPageBreaks.RemoveAt() by specifying the index of the page break you want to delete.

Can I automatically add page breaks based on content size?

Aspose.Cells does not provide an automatic feature for this, but you can calculate where breaks should occur based on row/column counts programmatically.

Can I set page breaks based on a specific range of cells?

Yes, you can specify page breaks for any cell or range by providing the corresponding cell reference, such as “A1” or “B15”.