Adding a New Digital Signature to Signed Excel File


In today’s digital landscape, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of documents is more crucial than ever. Digital signatures provide a reliable way to verify that a document has not been altered and that it originates from a legitimate source. If you’re working with Excel files in .NET and need to add a new digital signature to a file that’s already signed, this guide is for you! We will walk through the process of adding a digital signature to an existing signed Excel file using Aspose.Cells for .NET.


Before we dive into the implementation, ensure you have the following:

  1. Aspose.Cells for .NET: Download and install Aspose.Cells from the release page.
  2. .NET Framework: Make sure your machine has the .NET Framework set up and you’re familiar with basic .NET programming concepts.
  3. Digital Certificate: Obtain a valid digital certificate in .pfx format. For testing, you can create a self-signed certificate.
  4. Development Environment: Use an IDE like Visual Studio to write and execute your C# code.
  5. Sample Excel File: Have an existing Excel file that is already digitally signed, which will be the target for adding a new signature.

With these prerequisites in place, let’s jump into the code!

Import Necessary Packages

At the top of your C# file, include the following namespaces to access the required classes and methods:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

Step 1: Define Your Directories

Specify the directories for your source files and where to save the output file:

// Source directory
string sourceDir = "Your Document Directory"; // Replace with your actual directory
// Output directory
string outputDir = "Your Document Directory"; // Replace with your actual directory

Step 2: Load the Existing Signed Workbook

Load the Excel workbook that is already signed:

// Load the workbook which is already digitally signed
Aspose.Cells.Workbook workbook = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook(sourceDir + "sampleDigitallySignedByCells.xlsx");

Step 3: Create a Digital Signature Collection

Create a collection to manage your digital signatures:

// Create the digital signature collection
Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureCollection dsCollection = new Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureCollection();

Step 4: Load Your Certificate

Load your digital certificate, which will be used to create the new signature:

// Certificate file and its password
string certFileName = sourceDir + "AsposeDemo.pfx"; // Your certificate file
string password = "aspose"; // Your certificate password

// Create new certificate
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 certificate = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(certFileName, password);

Step 5: Create a New Digital Signature

Now, create a new digital signature and add it to your collection:

// Create new digital signature and add it to the collection
Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature signature = new Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature(certificate, "Aspose.Cells added new digital signature in existing digitally signed workbook.", DateTime.Now);

Step 6: Add the Signature Collection to the Workbook

Add the digital signature collection to the workbook:

// Add digital signature collection to the workbook

Step 7: Save the Workbook

Save the workbook with the new digital signature included:

// Save the workbook
workbook.Save(outputDir + "outputDigitallySignedByCells.xlsx");

Step 8: Confirm Success

Provide feedback upon successful execution:

Console.WriteLine("Successfully added a digital signature to the existing signed Excel file.");


Congratulations! You’ve successfully added a new digital signature to an already signed Excel file using Aspose.Cells for .NET. This process enhances the security of your documents and ensures their authenticity and integrity.


What is a digital signature?

A digital signature is a mathematical scheme that verifies the authenticity and integrity of digital messages or documents, ensuring they have not been altered and confirming the identity of the signer.

Do I need a special certificate to create a digital signature?

Yes, a digital certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA) is required to create a valid digital signature.

Can I use a self-signed certificate for testing?

Absolutely! You can use a self-signed certificate for development and testing purposes, but for production, it’s advisable to use a certificate from a trusted CA.

What happens if I try to add a signature to a non-signed document?

If you attempt to add a digital signature to a document that isn’t already signed, it will work without issues, but the original signature will not be present.

Where can I find more information about Aspose.Cells?

For detailed guides and API references, check the Aspose.Cells documentation.